List of Projects

Campus Directory Map

Smith College Menu App

Drone Gallery

Detect Road Quality Research

Costume Cat

Campus Directory Map

October 2017 - Present

(HTML, Javascript, SQL)

Currently, Smith College is going through renovation whcih results in many staff members to be relcoated. This application will allow user to query on name, departmnet, and person type(faculy, staff, student) from Smith College's directory. After querying, user will be directed to a page that contains a visualization of the location of members throughout Smith (ie mapping people's campus addresses that satisfy the query).Underneath the map, there is a list of people that satisfy the query in a list that display their information - name, address, department, and person type.

We hope in the near future to get this project embedded in Smith College's actual Campus Directory as an extension with visual aid of people's location on Smith.

Blog post about experience

Smith College Menu App

October 2017 - Present


Smith College Menu application that will allow students to view the menu offered at each dining hall. Menu extracted from Smith College's menu page via web scraping.

I wanted to give myself a personal project since I was on campus during fall break '17, so I decided to create this menu app as I wanted to create my first mobile application, as a plus, it could help out fellow Smithies. Definitely a huge learning exerience!

Video Demo

Drone Gallery

April 2017 - Present

(JavaScript, HTML, CSS)

A tool to display drone flights done by Spatial Analysis Lab of Smith College under Jon Caris that allows everyone to see the drone images. Created an interface for users to view drone images on an interactive map and displays data (name, date, coordinates, and description) via GeoServer (.TIF) and local JSON.

Video Demo

Participatory Sensing of Cycling Path Safety with Wearable Devices and Machine Learning

May 2017 - August 2017


During my time with CyberHealthGIS REU, I researched how to detect road surface quality (brick road, grass, irregular bumps, and smooth pavement) through cycling using accelerometers in wearable devices (Android and Pebble Watch) and machine learning decision tree algorithms. Created codes for data wrangling and extracting features to train and test the machine (Weka).


Costume Cat

March 2017

(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Hack@Smith Hackathon project with other Smithies, Ariana Meredith and Jocelyn Kofke. Costume Cat is a website with a game of dress up, where the user has fun changing the cute cat's look.
Project was awarded best domain name.
